2CV Enac 1965

KM: 1899 Kms
YEAR: 04/1965
COLOUR: Gris Typhon.AC147


18cv engine. AZA trim, lower level trim than the AZAM.AZA commercial: The 2CV Mixte is modified by the ENAC company from march 1962.
It has several functional differences:

  • The bood lid and back window open as one single opening door (like a hatchback).
  • The rear seat can tilt and fold.
  • The spare- wheel is under the bonnet.

These modifications allow a flat boot floor of 1.15m length.There are weight marks on the right hand side, as one would expect of a utilitarian car.


A teacher MrVedrine takes retirement at 55 years of age and gets this 2CV, useful for fishing in the Auvergne. This purchase proved to be a mistake. A rival fisherman also went by car to the same place to fish, and had the habit of going out at the same time as him. Furthermore, the construction of a house did not allow him much leisure time. Eventually, with the life of Saint-Sauves no longer suiting him, MrVedrine returned to live in the Paris region with his daughter. The car was then put away until 1993. His son read an article about a 2CV fan having set-up a specialist business and this person bought the car for his cousin who kept it in its dusty state for 18 years, before selling it on to me. A deep clean was required and much work to put it back on the road (breaks, clutch and parts of the engine were seized).