KM: 5 236 Kms
YEAR: 10/1965 (model 66)
COLOUR: Gris rosé AC136
2 cylinder 602 cm3 engine, 25.5 horsepower at 4,500 rpm. 3 horsepower in terms of taxes concern. 112km/h. 6 volt dynamo. Interior in dark red chine fabric.
Price at the time: 6,887 Francs.
This car was ordered with some rare options: seatbelts and Continental-Edison car radio with integrated speaker.
The old lady owner had then had a GH front grille and TUBUL bumpers fitted, accessories at the time. She had also protected the seats with Citroen’s own seat covers. At that time, people were often precautious, buying a car was of-ten the result of a life time of saving.
After 3,000 km of use over 25 years, the car was stored and ended up in the hands of the grandson in 1991. He, being aware of the condition of the car, decided to advertise it, rather than use it for short journeys in Paris. I headed to Aulnay by train. The vehicle was in perfect condition, with one downside: the upholstery appeared to be discoloured. The seller agreed to a reduction in the price, and the deal was struck. The car underwent a complete overhaul, and I returned it to the road without trouble. On arrival home, I realised that it was the covers that were dicoloured, and found the original upholstery un-derneath in perfect condition.
I lent this vehicle for an article that made the cover of ‘Retroviseur’ in January 1999.