KM: 8 878 Kms
YEAR: 12/1995
COLOUR: Vert Amazonie KQA
The AX is launched in 1986 and ends its career in 1999. It goes on to replace all the city cars: the LNA and Visa in 1988, then the Axel and 2CV in 1990 with the introduction of the 5 door model.
More than 2.5 million examples are produced, the highest number of any Citroen after the 2CV.
Engine: 984 cc (1.0 litre injection). 50Ch DIN.
5 speed gearbox.
The Miami is one of 10 limited edition versions of the AX.
This AX was bought by an old lady who only used it for local journeys in Pont a Mousson near Nancy. The garage was perfect in the basement under her building.
Eventually too old to drive, she gives the car to her grandson who was afraid to damage it and chooses to sell the car on Internet.
On returning to Castellane with the AX on the trailer, I was called on the phone when near to Grenoble about a DS19 of 1957 located at La Mure. 40 minutes later, I bought the second car of the day (visible in the central hall).